Televizija Duga Plus je počela sa radom 1997. godine, a sa emitovanjem programa 15. januara 1998. godine. Od januara 2008. godine počeli smo da emitujemo program putem satelita Eutelsat W2 za Evropu, a putem interneta (preko internet sajta Balkaniyum) za ceo svet. Od decembra 2009. godine smo počeli sa emitovanjem našeg programa i u Americi putem najvećeg satelitskog provajdera (GlobeCast World TV-a) u SAD-u. U Srbiji se program TV Duga SAT gleda putem kablovskih sistema, satelitskih antena i Total TV-a.
Televizija Duga Plus je definisana kao jedina televizija srpske dijaspore i samim tim je stekla status najgledanije srpske televizije i omiljenog programa u dijaspori, rasejanju i u zemljama u okruženju. Mi smo jedina televizija koja svesno neguje srpsku muziku sa svih područja gde žive ili odakle potiču Srbi, pa smo i samim tim jedina televizija koja redovno emituje guslarske i verske (Pravoslavne) emisije. Televizija Duga Plus je spona koja povezuje sve ljude sa našeg govornog područja Srbije i dijaspore, kako bliže tako i najdalje. Porukama, željama i čestitkama oni kontaktiraju sa rodnim krajem, prijateljima i rodbinom. Sa našim programom smo postigli da postanemo sastavni deo porodičnih slavlja i praznovanja.
Naš program se emituje 24 sata dnevno, svakog dana, sa određenim izmenama i dopunama za vreme verskih i državnih praznika. Emitovanje dnevnog dela programa je preodređeno za područje Evrope, a večernje za područje Severne Amerike i Australije.
Television Duga Plus started operating in 1997, with broadcasting on January 15, 1998. Since January 2008, we have started broadcasting the program via Eutelsat W2 for Europe, and via the Internet (via the Balkaniyum website) for the whole world. From December 2009, we started broadcasting our program in America via the largest satellite provider (GlobeCast World TV) in the United States. In Serbia, the TV Duga SAT program is viewed through cable systems, satellite antennas and Total TV.
Television Duga Plus is defined as the only television of the Serbian diaspora and hence has gained the status of the most watched Serbian television and favorite program in the diaspora, scattering and in the surrounding countries. We are the only television that consciously nurtures Serbian music from all areas where they live or where the Serbs come from, so we are the only television that regularly broadcasts guslar and religious (Orthodox) shows. Television Duga Plus is a link that connects all people from our Serbian speaking area and diaspora, both closer and farther. They send messages, wishes and greeting cards to their place of birth, friends and relatives. With our program we have achieved to become an integral part of family celebrations and celebrations.
Our program is broadcast 24 hours a day, every day, with certain changes and supplements during religious and public holidays. Broadcasting of the daily part of the program has been redefined for the area of Europe, and evening for North America and Australia.